
Country The Netherlands jeroen-portrait
Mobile +31 6 52728240
E-mail jeroen at olino dot org
Date of birth 17 december 1970
Marital Status Single
Languages Fluent: Dutch, English.
Mission Contribute to a renewable society.


2007-now Webmaster of the Dutch Windvogel website.
2006-now Reporter and Article-writer for the OliNo website.
2006-now Webmaster of the OliNo website.
2003-now System designer software working in IT sector.
1996-now Owner of SoftNow Internet Services.
2001-2003 Senior Software developer working in IT sector.
1996-2001 Senior Software developer at Delt.
1995-1996 Software product manager at Acal.


1990-1996 Master degree from the University of Technology Eindhoven, department of Electrical Engineering.